
Editor’s Letter

“The path to paradise begins in hell.”

- Dante

Opal Age Tribune was born in hell.

Our editor’s letter from our first edition, Chariot, provides more context for Opal Age’s genesis -- which was not always opalescent. But I don’t think that we could’ve created Opal Age any other way. Taking time to work on something creative that was unlike anything we’d done before was a welcomed break from a perpetual feeling of hopelessness that comes from uncertainty.

As a Capricorn, I was deeply irritated when I discovered that the corresponding tarot card for my sign was the Devil, which has obvious negative connotations. But there are no bad cards in the tarot, and that’s true even for the Devil. It just points to things we need to overcome.

Creating Opal Age replaced the void of inspiration we needed to overcome to move forward. Feeling trapped by the push for productivity makes relaxation feel indulgent. So does taking the time to work on a creative project -- at least to me, when it feels like there are so many other things to do. But there is no such thing as too indulgent in our realm. Let the Devil out.

Your editors,

Katie, Claude, & Peter

This is when we would kiss

by Teddy Webb

Our marriage is a quiet one.

I am lucky

to go about my cooking unwatched

and if you were to gaze

it would fall gossamer-soft on my ribs.

Time moves like silk here

and between your clocks and mine

it has been years since we woke up together.

My friends all love you.

They wonder aloud how I can sit

satiated to watch your rings

make light work of guitar strings

without starving

and I admit I think of it

but I do not admit just how I think of it,

how the tremble of your cleft

conjures a myriad of girls gone by,

each one wrapped in conversation with pillows of hay

divining new ways to say

if we were normal


is when we would kiss.

Every now and then

I lie in our garden,

hiding my shoulders and regrets under the willow tree

as the Sun glares down 

with his father

and I think 

I could survive it with you.

You could call me Brigid,

maybe Danu

(if you want to).
You could call me Aine
and I think that I would let you.

I think you could kneel for me and say

gorgeous thing,

cosmic so you are

I daren’t think I am to know you

but to see you,


it’s somethin’

and I could reach down

maypole my bitten fingertips through your hair

and perhaps give the solace

of palms upon your wretched cheeks

but we would never kiss

you understand

it is too mortal,

too earthly.

What if there’s no magic in it?

What if our lips are destined for jazz

but only ever its standards?

What then,

I wonder, picturing the rise of your calves

the flicker of tongues like flames of Beltane

to what future then

can I fasten my hands?

Cliff Drifter

by Maeve Faolan

older than the rings of Saturn 

I bear the wand and the hammer 

lost one follow me 

to the paths end 

desire sings loud 

to the rhythm 

of heartbeat and breath in darkness 

once beast and rider 

a destiny to become each other 

vanishing twin 

red eyes aglow 

merging of my souls 

child of the tamed 

you forget the truth 

to bare one's teeth is 

a gift as treasured 

as a smile to Cliff Drifters like me 

forging lifetimes 

earthside paradise 

my wand the barren branch before spring my hammer the mountains lowered by time divinity the wild winds of one's mind

An Ode to Glorious Change

by Peter Rogers

How tried and true the fated cycles of change,

Our most reliable companion, 

Reflected at every turn and cast in every shadow;

The spectacular high of the first fresh fruit at the start of the season

And the sweet, 

Aching anguish of the rotted and underfoot at the end of the next.

Each moment relying on the breath before and only hoping for the next exhalation.

As leaves bud, bloom, and drink up the sweet ichors that turn them from 

Young to bold greens,

So do they turn fiery and gilded, dried and brittle, gracefully dancing into their next purpose,

Their being already knows the path.

Journeys peak and valley, 

Their twists and turns are only as faithful as the promise of death in life,

The promise of change; 

As the tides rise and fall, as the sun rises and sets, and as growth turns to rest.

Turn, turn, turn with the earth below and the sky above, we brave all of its seasons.

The dry and the wet, the bountiful and the barren, the horrors and the awesome.

Change to the grip of our hands is nothing to the eyes of history, is nothing to the view of the stars.

Each has their own wisdom to offer;

The stars, the land and our hands.

Lives spent toiling towards the long arc, the liberation of all hands and all lands, are lives in service of the stars

In our duty to change, it will take ways and time we do not want,

It will take and take, wholly consume whatever it pleases

Some things will be gone from us forever,

And in some of those things we will have been freed, we will have found justice, we will have arrived at the return of our toil.

And in some of those lost we will be reminded of, in little ways, everyday;

We will see them in the sweetness of the first fruit,

We will remember them in the turn of the seasons,

We will find them in our next breath, and hold them near.

Until hands move our own to the land, until the stars burn their brightest,

And change leads us down another path that we know.


by Ashlyn Bell

Coming in and out of full clarity

Realizing moments, memories and an indistinguishable time has passed. 

Seeing and feeling, is anything truly real?

I feel the wind but hear no one's voice

I see the sun, feel the warmth on my face, but don't remember the last time I felt hopeful.

The moon shines through the clouds and I’ve never felt more understood.

I’m living but not experiencing. 

I love but it feels helpless.

I do not know who I am. I do not know where to find myself.

The endless paths of options are overwhelming. Providing no support

The end is a void of shadow and uncertainty.

I feel everything and nothing at once; which is worse?

What is my purpose?

How am I meant to live and exist in this world?

What are the answers to questions I’m too frightened to speak aloud?

My spirit yearns for the natural world and solidarity

The forest, a welcoming and warm friend

The mountains and streams offer indescribable comfort

The wind carries away the burden of constant anxiety and worry

There, I am free.

But I love this place 

and the ones who make living bearable.

How do I find balance and clarity amongst the constant ruckus and voices of doubt within 

Why do I find comfort in my sadness but resent it upon its inevitable arrival?

Facing the Devils

by Billie Jane

This is not the piece that I intended for this issue of Opal Age Tribune

The piece that I intended to create was a 2-part exploration of faces: a written prose piece expanding on my own likeness to others and the shock that I have found (and often still find) in noticing the likeness of my fathers face in strangers; and a collage containing all of the features that might make-up a face, floating in semi-appropriate positions in front of a spacey background to create a crude version of my father’s face as I might see it on others.

I worked on this piece for three weeks. It is still unfinished.

Today, I made a list of tasks to complete—mostly menial chores and self-care items, but all underneath “Finish Devil Submission.”

I geared-up, several beverages and laptop in-hand to face the Devil, and then I felt a weight on my lap: a single paw, followed by three more, circling the space on the tops on my thighs. My large, dumb cat did as I believe all cats do when their parents are determined to get work done: he made a home on my lap. He is still there as I write this.

This subtle act of defiance—whether he actually knows it as such or not—of putting comfort over production, of insisting on rest where tasks would otherwise demand completion, startled in me a revelation: the foolhardy seeks-out the Devil with the weapons they have at-hand, whereas the wise may prolong meeting the Devil until they are ready.

I have spent three weeks on a still-unfinished piece. I wanted to badly to face my Devil, to look into the eyes that too-closely resemble my own and demand catharsis, the ability to see its face for what it is, for the unimpressive and ordinary parts that serve to make-up a whole which is ultimately so banal as to be repeated ad nauseam in the faces of people whom I’ve never met.

Then a big, stupid, adorable cat started purring in my lap. 

Today is not the day I face my Devil.

Sometimes, one must face Devils to regain what one has lost, or gain that which one has never had. Sometimes the facing of one’s Devils is tantamount to one’s own survival. Other times, facing the Devil pales in importance to sitting with a cup of coffee, petting a cat, and folding the laundry. 

The Devil can wait. The cat demands rest.

Father Cunt

by Caitlin Errington


Perhaps by watching you avoid the mirror at all costs, I'm learning to kiss it

The thing with mum is that I'd lose her

But you

You fucking hide

Dose yourself up with flammable liquids and threaten to burn us all down with you

There was a poet inside you once

A kind voice on parchment

You drowned him

Only the worst of you survived

Gasping for breath

I would stifle you if I could

My father is dead

And now we must dance

The bottle and I

Dancing with Dogman

by Maeve Faolan


by Katie Pip

Opal’s ins and outs for 2024