Digital Download: Performance Edition

Sale Price:$4.44 Original Price:$8.88

DIGITAL EDITION: PERFORMANCE Volume 2, Issue 1 of Opal Age Tribune. 52 pages of Digital Illuminated Manuscript bliss.

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Performance includes poetry, prose, short stories, ethereal imagery, and our visions of a most luminous queer future. Exploring the boundless opportunities performance creates, Opal Age Tribune touches on gender performance, queer flagging, and  self fashioning.

The digital edition contains all of the same pieces included in print. Includes works created and submitted by the creatives and editors of Opal Age Tribune…

Dan Aries, Vida Behar, Mattie Bieberly, Jen Colclough, Sidnee Crosby, Emily Dolanová, M. A. Dubbs, Katie Harrison, Billie Jane, Claude Joven, Stephen Mead, Marina Ramil, Celeste Ramirez Estrada, Peter Rogers, Brigitte Vigo

If you are looking for print, this purchase only includes the digital edition!

Visit our storefront on MIXAM and purchase the print edition of Performance at…

Customers receive a secure link to the file lasting 24 hours after the first download. You may print for personal celebration of the works included (posters on your wall, reciting poetry to a lover). It is however prohibited to print or distribute this digital edition commercially.

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